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Programa diseñado para el calculo de propiedades fisicas de Geotecnia (densidad, modulos elasticos principales como son Modulo de Poisson, Modulo de Rigidez, Modulo de Youngm Modulo de Bulk y la propiedad de la Densidad del material a diferentes profundidades), a partir de valores de Velocidad P y S obtenidos mediante geofisica (sismica).

Plataforma WINDOWS


Modulos_Elasticos_Calculator_Geotecnia-Geophysics, a specially designed program for calculating the physical properties of Geotechnical materials. This unique tool allows users to determine density and main elastic moduli such as Poisson's ratio, shear modulus, Young's modulus, and bulk modulus at various depths. The program is specifically tailored to work with P and S wave velocity data acquired through geophysical (seismic) methods. With its user-friendly interface and powerful functionality, this calculator is an indispensable tool for geotechnical and geophysical professionals looking to accurately assess the physical properties of materials within the earth's subsurface. Whether for research, consulting, or practical applications, the Modulos_Elasticos_Calculator_Geotecnia-Geophysics is an essential tool for enhancing the accuracy of geotechnical and geophysical analyses.


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